Friday, September 25, 2009

The Dollar Is Collapsing: Wake Up To Reality

I’ve heard a lot of speculation lately about how the inevitable collapse of the U.S. Dollar will affect our country, and what results it will entail. Some dismiss this as fear mongering, but if you bother to listen to leading economists, both from the United States, and around the world, your eyes will be opened to this inevitability. As a people, we have not faced adversity of this level since the Great Depression. It is time to put aside the intentionally polarizing issues of the day, and come together as a people to face the hard times ahead. These are issues of nation survival, not petty bickering and and partisan politics. Real threats to our standard of living, way of life, and economic and military prominance.
Listen to what the Comptroller of the United States has to say:

After watching that video, try to support an unprecedented increase in federal spending and universal healthcare. While change is certainly needed, the government intrusion into healthcare and the bailout of failing industries is most certainly not the answer.The answer to the healthcare question is less government regulation of the system, and allowing the hundreds of insurance companies to compete across state lines, rather than limit states to 5 or 6. These regulations create de facto monopolies and discourage competitive coverage rates.

Government regulation has never been the answer, just look at what the Fed has done to the dollar. Since the early 70’s, the Federal Reserve has transformed the dollar into a currency without the backing of any tangible resource, while knowing that completely fiat monetary systems have a history of utter failure. They claimed that detaching the dollar from gold would allow them to create “more liquidity” and make the economy “more elastic and adaptable”. Publicly, they shrugged off any concerns of possible hyperinflation as “paranoid conspiracy theory”, while privately, they continued to weaken the dollar until 2006, when they were forced to stop their own M3 Report, which was the best and most accurate measure of currency creation. Fed Reserve Release   Inflation Data The fact that the Fed has chosen to stop reporting M3 shows not only that they know that they are causing a dollar meltdown, but that they are willing to keep it a secret.

Fiat monetary systems removed from a gold standard and based on nothing but paper and faith will always fail, it is only a matter of “when”. The Greenback’s time has come, and soon, countries like China will announce their departure away from the dollar and into the IMF’s “Special Drawing Rights,” heralding our currency’s collapse. The first rumblings of this have already come, the most recent of which was two weeks ago, when China again called for the removal of the dollar as the world reserve currency. Read Article

The truth is, 70% of the U.S. economy is retail and service based, while most of our industry and factories have been outsourced to foreign countries. Our "wealth" is really just an illusion being supported by our own spending. The Dollar, being the preeminent world reserve currency, is one of the few things our country actually “exports”, a “financial product”.  Foreign countries have stored dollars en masse with the assumption that the U.S. will always be able to honor its debts. However, the sad fact is that our currency is dying.

How will the average American react to this event, as it plays out right in front of them?
I predict there will be two kinds of people during and after a collapse. On one side; those men and women who plan to rebuild America and return it to an age of peace and liberty. On the other side; those people who are so addicted to the mindless consumer lifestyle that they will cling desperately to any vestiges of “what was”. The line will be drawn between those who are afraid, and those who are not. Those who know themselves, and those who don’t. Those who can let go of “comfort”, and those who cannot fathom a life without. As the collapse progresses, this line will become more clear and defined, and it will decide many events to come.

In the end, the future depends on those of us, men and women of conscience, who understand what is happening, and who have the will to stand firm and unwavering. It depends on how many of us continue to educate others. It depends on how many of us can let go of the old mind numbing “comforts” and strive for something more tangible. It depends on how many of us are willing to sacrifice for the truth. It depends on how many of us refuse to give in, stand for the principles this nation was founded upon, and boldly take back our nation from those who would enslave us.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Obama Song


Is Political Intolerance The New Racism?

I would be the last to purport that racism is totally dead. As someone who grew up in England and witnessed the intense racism between whites and those of Pakistani or Indian decent first hand, and having spent the last 8 years in Alabama and Tennesse, it would be intellectually dishonest to say that racism is no more. However, the comparison to any view other than that of the liberal movement being racist, is equivalent to saying that someone who doesn't hire a person of color because another candidate is more qualified, is inherently a racist. Legitimate opposition to England's taxation policies, based on the merits of law, was the impetus for the American Revolution, and a foundational principle of this nation. The goal here appears to be a blatant attempt to stifle all intellectual debate on the actual merits of the issues at hand. Click here to read the DHS report on "rightwing" terrorists.

Tactics of this nature were employed by the Nazi propogandist master Joseph Goebbels, to create a climate of fear and supress any oposition to the party line, and to justify their anti-Semitic policies. Stalin used the same approach in Soviet Russian, but there the label was anti-patriotic. These machinations started out as rhetoric, but quickly transformed into violent suppression of dissent. Thankfully, we have not reached this level here....yet. However, calls from many liberals to supress the "right wing cons"  by any means necessary have been increasing of late, and with many dangerous pieces of legislation granting powers to the government, how long will it be till dissent becomes a criminal offence?

When did it become racist in America to have an opposing view? One could say it began with the "Politically Correct" movement in the 80's and 90's, and the environment of hate we see growing in our society is just the natural conclusion to those liberal ideals. Unfortunately, that would be narrow point of view, and I fear this is the result of deliberate propaganda and hate mongering by the liberal agenda that wishes to benefit from the natural American proclivity to be tolerant of opposing views.

Scary times indeed. Conservatives can no longer operate from the idea that liberals actually have the best interests of the country at heart. We must awaken to the blatant acquisition of power by idealists bent on the transformation of our nation into a shadow of it's former glory.


Ever Wonder Why Young People Are So Against Capitalism?

Last night as I read the histories of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao's rise to power, and became more and more stunned at the incredible parallels  present in our own country, one overriding similarity was present with all of them. Forced indoctrination of the youth, to the extent that children grew up to not only be mindless drones of the State, but to even turn on their parents who remembered a time before and were not willing to follow the party line.

The radicals in our own country have taken a slightly different path to the same end. Rather than impose violence and fear upon the people to accept this indoctrination and the loss of freedom, they have slowly but surely pushed their ideology in the public school system for 40 years, quietly weakening resistance and converting the youth to their cause. Today many American's would be hard pressed to explain the benefits or weaknesses of a republic, or communism, or socialism, or Fascism. Not to mention the inner workings and benefits of capitalism. In fact, the lines between all of these have been so blurred over the years that the average American doesn't really know the difference or why the founders chose to reject these failed ideologies in favor of capitalism and the republic.

Ironically, I often find myself in arguments with people of all ages that steadfastly believe capitalists are really the harbingers of totalitarianism. Has history been so distorted that the horrors inflicted by communist and fascist regimes have been completely forgotten? Have the atrocities that claimed the lives of over 100 million been so easily forgotten in less than a century? Is the adage "those that forget history are destined to repeat it" becoming a reality in our society?

Take the time to watch this video being shown to children all over America, then you will understand how the amazing destruction of our way of life is being achieved before our very eyes.


Singing Songs To The President: Communist Pillar #10

Stalin, Hitler, Mao: what do all of these men have in common?

An understanding that the surest way to maintain power is to indoctrinate the youth with an undying love for their leader as the savior of the nation. Pay special attention to the words straight from the communist doctrine - equal work for equal pay. All are equal in his sight? Is he the Messiah? Also note the rhythmic chanting of Barack Hussein Obama.

It was brought to my attention that it is hard to hear the lyrics, so here they are:

Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said all should lend a hand to make the country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today, equal work means equal pay.

Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama

He said take a stand, make sure everyone gets a chance

Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black and white, all are equal in his sight

Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama

Yeah! Barack Hussein Obama
…Hello Mr. President, We honor you today

For all your great accomplishments, we all do say hooray
Hooray, Mr. President you are No. 1
The first black American to lead this nation


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Is The Liberal Endgame Destruction Of The Dollar And Creation Of Global Currency?

Earlier this year Treasury Secretary Geithner stated he was open to a global currency in an "evolutionary" sense. Meaning that once the system was ready, and national currencies like the dollar have been destroyed, he and the administration would be open to a massive shift in global economics. Just last week, the Chinese re-opened the call for a global currency to replace the dollar.

So many of the fiscal policies being pushed by the Obama administration make absolutely no sense, especially when experts from around the world are predicted massive economic collapse in the US and out of control inflation, unless these policies are looked at through the prism of globalism and are actually designed to hasten the fall.   Many members of the Obama administration are on record in their belief that it is "unfair" that the United States has enjoyed such economic and military superiority over the rest of the world. The controversy surrounding the healthcare debate has polarized the country, and served as an excellent distraction from the real issues. Without massive government spending cuts, public option versus private insurance will be a moot point in the not so distant future.


Brown Moves To Reduce Nuclear Deterrent

Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the United Kingdom said today at a UN security meeting that the British government is going to scrap most of their nuclear power in an effort to remain financially solvent over the next 25 years.

Let's do a quick comparison. The UK is almost 9 trillion dollars in debt with a population of 61 million. If the United States spent the same amount proportional to our current population we would be almost 45 trillion in debt...oh wait we are already 55 trillion in debt when you take social security and medicare into account. We are actually deeper in debt than the British, and they are having serious problems maintaining FOUR nuclear submarines. If they are having this kind of financial issue when they are actually less in debt than we are, with substatially less obligations, why are we even considering cap and trade, healthcare, cash for clunkers, auto industry bailouts, banking bailouts...Does anyone remember what happened when the Soviet Union collapsed economically? I think a lot of nukes were sold to various "rogue" nations, terrorist groups etc, their entire infrastructure collapsed, crime and corruption became rampant, and various military warlord basically divided up the country into fiefdoms. Have we become so arrogant and ignorant to feel this could never happen in America? 

Gordon Brown summed up that arrogance which Obama also seconded"We reject unilateral nuclear disarmament for ourselves precisely because the world cannot end up in a situation where responsible powers get rid of their weapons, but the danger of nuclear proliferation by other powers remains."

We gave up all right to consider ourselves responsible with the last bailout.


90% Decline in Dollar's Purchasing Power

Take some time and watch the frightening decline of the dollar and the destructive effect current policies are having on our currency and our future. Then look at this slide show based on Congressional Budget Office information


Apparently Harvard Isn't All It's Cracked Up to Be

I’m increasingly convinced that Obama doesn’t have a firm grasp on the basics of how our economy functions, how corporations do business, and how our banking system works.
Recently, Obama was speaking about the stock market and referred to the “profit and earnings ratio”, which doesn’t exist. Presumably, he was referring to the P/E, or price-to-earnings ratio, which measures relative stock value. It’s one of the first, most fundamental ratios any new investor learns about the stock market.
Obama has also commented on the strong dollar. But the dollar isn’t strong. True, it’s rallied recently, especially versus sick currencies like the GBP, but nobody even marginally familiar with this long term trend would think to call the dollar “strong”. Even against the extremely weak GBP, exchange rates of 2:1 have been an everyday occurrence since the late 80's and the weakness of the dollar continued even during the "boom" years of the Clinton administration. 
Why is this important? Surely Obama has advisors to guide him? Maybe. But at the end of the day, he’s the guy making decisions. He needs to be  able to listen to the self-serving statements of lobbyists, industry insiders, economists, and government bureaucrats, and separate the truth from the BS. Can he do it this effectively without the basic education he needs? Irrationally, he seems to think so. He’s decided to insert himself directly into American business (firing CEOs, setting bonus payouts, backing GM’s transmission quality with a government warranty). So now a guy who probably has a limited understanding of basic capital structure, the proper role of debt, equity, etc., and the functioning of credit markets is creating policy to recapitalize both the automotive and financial services industries!

Perhaps most importantly, I don’t get the feeling that Obama appreciates our corporate and financial institutions. Granted, our banking system is a disaster. And the economy is in bad shape. But a long term perspective is essential. And over the long term, the way that our capitalistic, market-driven system functions has created more good for more people than any other system in human history. Destroy the incentives that make the market work, insert government (aka political) influence into every nook and cranny of the economy, and you break that engine. The long term result is inevitably slower growth and less good for Americans. Does Obama understand that by breaking the American social contract, he ultimately ends up killing the goose that lays the golden eggs that (in turn) pay for the fat government he loves?
In the final analysis, if Obama doesn’t know the basics of economics, finance, and business, he can’t make good decisions when presented with alternative policy choices. He can’t anticipate the long term impact of his choices. He is liable to be susceptible to ideological or populist approaches (like big government bailouts), rather than relying on tried-and-true methods for resolving problems (such as bankruptcy proceedings). So far, this is exactly what has played out in terms of policy from the Obama Administration. Scary times for American capitalism, indeed.


Cap and Trade: Destroyer of Capitalism

Hundreds of thousands of taxpayers swarmed the nation's capital Saturday to deliver a message to their elected officials: Don't turn our American Dream into a nightmare. A nightmare is exactly what America will be living if "cap and trade" legislation to reduce carbon dioxide emissions becomes law. That global warming tax would kill millions of jobs, bring an end to cheap energy and cripple the economy.
Even the Obama administration knows that taxpayers will feel the pain in their wallets -- though it admitted so only grudgingly last week after a Freedom of Information Act request by the Competitive Enterprise Institute. By the Treasury Department's estimate, Americans would pay up to $1,761 a year because of cap-and-trade.
The economically depressing facts calculated by the Heritage Foundation include more than 2 million lost jobs, $9.4 trillion in economic losses, and a jump of $829 per family for utility costs.  Cap-and-trade is nothing more than a stimulus bill for high-pollution China, which will get American jobs and keep emitting carbon regardless of what America does.
 The worst part of it is that the legislation is completely unnecessary. The push for cap-and-trade is driven by factually flawed fantasies of manmade global warming.  Environmentalists love to tell lies about an ice-free Arctic, and senators like John Kerry, D-Mass., repeat the lies even after they have been exposed.
Al Gore mastered the scare tactics in his documentary An Inconvenient Truth -- a film soriddled with flawed science and political spin that the British High Court won't let schoolchildren watch without a warning. Unfortunately, American students are still being force fed nonsense about global warming all the time.
We expose the devastating costs of global warming hysteria in our film Not Evil Just Wrong, but Gore and Hollywood don't want America to see it. That's why we're organizing a cinematic tea party, a natural outgrowth of rallies like the one in Washington last weekend.
Our movie will premiere in homes and on campuses across the country on Oct. 18. We hope it will be the start of a long-needed resistance movement against radical environmentalism.
Cross posted from The Next Right


Democrats: No wonder their poll numbers suck


Response to Revisionist History

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the GENERAL WELFARE, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." 

It seems that even the Preamble to the Constitution is being subverted by the liberals to serve their agenda. This is what James Madison had to say to the power hungry of his day.

"With respect to the two words 'general welfare,' I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators." --James Madison
“Having not yet succeeded in hitting on an opportunity, I send you a part of it in a newspaper, which broaches a new Constitutional doctrine of vast consequence, and demanding the serious attention of the public. I consider it myself as subverting the fundamental and characteristic principle of the Government; as contrary to the true and fair, as well as the received construction, and as bidding defiance to the sense in which the Constitution is known to have been proposed, advocated, and adopted. If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions. It is to be remarked that the phrase out of which this doctrine is elaborated is copied from the old Articles of Confederation, where it was always understood as nothing more than a general caption to the specified powers." --James Madison


Monday, September 21, 2009

Forget Healthcare Our Financial Future Is Already Doomed

The next time you look at your paycheck, take note of how much is taken out for SS and Medicare. Then open your wallet or purse, take that much money out and go flush it. It is an undisputed fact that SS will not be able to meet its obligations by 2030. Medicare is already bankrupt and amazingly corrupt. Think about this for a few minutes, in 20 years you will be..45, 50? At least 12 years from SS eligibility at the bare minimum in any scenario. Our generation and our children will literally be flushing money for 20 YEARS, and will receive no benefits. Doesn't that bother you? No wonder the UN wants to replace the dollar as the reserve currency for world trade. 

Watch this video about Social Security


Top 15 Debtor Nations

Basic common sense dictates that if you spend more than you earn for long enough you eventually become bankrupt. Take a look at this video that shows the inevitable collapse of western civilization. Do we really want to take on more of the policies that have placed Europe on a beeline for economic chaos? Or is that the goal? Do the Neo-Marxist globalists want western civilization to crumble in order to bring about the "one world government" that is preached so rigorously at the UN? Even if world domination is not the goal, how can the American people allow Washington to enact policies that have already ruined Europe.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Insidious Cancer

For years the left has been pushing for the destruction of the United States and all that it stands for, in favor of a globalist world view that intends to destroy national independence and personal liberty. Their goals are finally within reach after years of careful planning and generational indoctrination to soften the takeover. They know Americans would fight any external attempt to destroy our freedom and way of life, but like a vicious cancer liquefying our resolve, this internal threat is quietly forcing America into the darkness of socialist globalism. If you have any BASIC knowledge of economics, civics, and world history you should be terrified by the erosion of freedom, and the dangerous ideals that are being willfuly propagated without regard to the Constitution, or the will of the people.

Can any intelligent person with a modicum of common sense question that our liberty, both personal and economic, is in peril? Take some time and look at what the foreign media is saying about our economy and leaders. They are at a loss to explain why any government-especially the government of the greatest nation-would consider ANY of the policies that are the antithesis of sound economics. Next year 110% of the US GDP will be equal to our debt, with 70% of the GDP being consumer spending. That doesn't include unfunded liabilities like Medicare and Social Security which equal $55 trillion, not to mention the costs a Public Option or Cap and Trade will bring. 

This video from the BBC gives a very clear few of exactly what is going on in our country


Return To Conservative Values By Americans Youth

This blog is for people of all ages, but specifically those in their 20's that are as concerned about the future of our nation as I am. It is time for our generation stand up for our own future. For too long the only focus of our peers has been what we are doing tomorrow, did you see the game, what is going on in Hollywood, what is on TV, did you see who got eliminated on this reality show? With no regard for the macro view of life, or even the reality of the despotic regimes around the world that are actively trying to destroy us. Even more dangerous than the external military threats we face is the economic peril on the horizon, and the impending collapse of the dollar that is insidiously being hastened by the Neo-Marxist's in our government. As with every great civilization in history, our deadliest enemies come from within.

It is the duty of our generation to stand like Leonidas against the the enemy. To neither blindly accept the redistribution of our wealth, and the subjugation of our liberties in the name of reform, nor the appeasement of our enemies, but to bravely turn back the onslaught of threats both foreign and domestic, and fight for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

This is the first of many articles that will attempt to awaken our generation to the clear and present danger that faces America. To be clear to all of you out there that may attack me as a right wing crazy, I am neither Republican nor Democrat, and my points of view come from a firm grasp of history, civics and economics. Anyone with an opposing view that wishes to have a legitimate intellectual discussion of why this is perspective I would love to engage you.

Our time is short to make a difference.
In 5, 10, 15, 20 years we will be the generation that is in power...but over what?


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